FENCE Comic Wiki

Harvard Lee is a senior at Kings Row Boys School and captain of the school's fencing team. He is Aiden Kane's best friend and roommate.


Harvard has short trimmed hair and dark eyes. He has a slightly broader and more muscular build than his peers.


Harvard profile

Harvard's Profile

In his role as captain, Harvard is stern and reliable. He takes his role seriously and expects the same of his team members. This sometimes leads to problems, especially regarding Aiden's less productive habits.[1] However, he is also shown to have a friendlier and even mischievous side when interacting with his friends outside of practice.


Harvard is ranked 33rd nationally in his age bracket. He previously faced and lost to Aster Leventis of Exton Boys Academy at Nationals.[2]


Like the other members of the current fencing team, Harvard participates in the tryouts for the new team and is considered one of the top candidates. All the while, he watches Aiden's behavior during the tournament with distrust.

Fencing Skills[]

Harvard is ranked 33rd amongst the top 50 fencers of his age group and the strongest member of Kings Row's current fencing team.


Harvard has been friends with Aiden since they were children and shares his dorm room with him.


  • Harvard lives in dorm room 105[3]
  • According to his profile[4] his most treasured possession is his Captain's badge.
  • His favorite food is eye fillet steaks.


  1. FENCE Issue #4
  2. FENCE Issue #8
  3. FENCE Issue #3
  4. Harvard's profile, as posted by C.S. Pacat on Twitter,